Once again, summer is racing upon us and things are heating up around our camps. This is going to be an exciting year and we can’t wait.
The requests are pouring in—from our own workers, from parents, from childcare workers, from the children themselves. All have the same question on their hearts.
Can the children go to camp this year?
Children—believers and non-believers—have looked forward to these Bible camps all through the cold COVID-19 winter!
Across the former Soviet Union today, millions of children are growing up in a spiritual vacuum, unaware of the Savior who gave His life for them.
This summer, as we have in years past, Russian Missions continues our Summer of Hope outreach.
As our summer camps have multiplied, we have discovered that they are one of the most significant stepping stones to church growth.
As local Christians keep in contact with the children after the camps, many of the children come to church. They bring other children and the adults in their lives. Reaching one child is often the first step in reaching an entire family.
Saving a child is the key to saving a family…a community…and a nation.
And the children —the Next Generation who will fill the pews, pulpits and parliaments of Russia and Ukraine —are in great need.
This summer, we are praying that we will be able to help at least thousand children in Russia and Ukraine experience at least a week in a summer camp—surrounded by loving, caring national Christian counselors. As these counselors provide a “Christian home” at the camp, they also build bridges of trust with the children to keep in touch and help the children know Christ and grow in their life in Him.
We have the extraordinary opportunity to help churches minister to thousands of children in Ukraine and Russia this summer, through their proven-effective summer camp ministry.
Each year, we’ve seen many unchurched children come to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ through this unique outreach. Clearly, this is God’s doing. After the fall of the Iron Curtain, the distressed Soviet government abandoned its “Pioneer” youth camps, where generations of Russian children had been indoctrinated.
Then God opened the door for many of these camps to be acquired or rented by Christian churches. So today, in these very camps—where children once studied atheistic communism—Christian workers are now leading children to faith in Christ!
We offer our camps free through most of our churches during the months of June, August and early September. This camping experience is geared to kids and their families having minimal exposure to the Gospel.
Every child will find something that they love: Football, dance, swimming, team sports, fine arts, music, outdoor adventure, and discipleship. Campers make friends for life in daily competitions like dodge ball, adventure relays and more.
Nevertheless, spiritual growth and leadership development are the heart of the program. Our campers dive deeper in relationship with God and others through worship, Bible study and discipleship under the guidance of mentoring counselors.
Read what God did in the lives of these young people at our previous year’s summer camps …
“This was the first camp I’ve experienced …and it is the best experience I’ve ever had!” Dmitriy, 12 y.o.
“My daughter had an amazing, fun-filled time! She came back so filled with God’s joy and love!
Thank you for such an awesome, memorable time again this year.” Mother of second year camper, Tina, 13 y.o.
“My son will speak of his experiences for years to come. I was so happy to know something like this was out therefor him and other children his age. It was free, that’s why I was able to send him to your camp. You have a very loving and godly staff.” Mother of a first year camper, Alex, 11 y.o.
All glory to God for His love developed through His volunteer counselors who see a need and fill a need. Because of your kindness, hope shines brightly in these children’s lives.
Your generosity gives them a fresh start. Hundreds of needy children are awaiting a chance to go to camp and hear about Jesus.
Your gift will make a difference! Will you help? Just $50 you can provide a full scholarship for one at-risk child. Any amount you give will be a big help. It doesn’t matter how much you give. Every dollar counts.
We know that God is using these opportunities as a couple of recent baptisms were a direct result of serving one community last year! So we share what we can, realizing that it’s only a glimpse into a broad, all-encompassing work that God is doing in thousands of hearts and lives. Pray that more unchurched people will be drawn to Christ as we show and share His love this summer!
Pastor Vitali Yuchkovski