Christmas Joy is Knowing you are Loved! Christmas Hope Outreach.

No child should be forgotten at Christmas. As you read this, Russian Missions will be preparing to distribute holiday gifts to the needy children in Russia. This time of year should be filled with love and laughter. It’s a time of giving, celebrating and thanksgiving – for most of us in America. But the challenges of life overwhelm others in Russia who have nothing to give – they are barely hanging on.

Russian Missions focuses on unique ways to bless groups normally overlooked during the holidays. From hot meals to warm coats to Bibles, every gift meets a critical need for children and families living in difficult and sometimes desperate situations.

These gifts are delivered to tile far comers of Russia by our caring missionaries who take every opportunity possible to share the Good News of the greatest gift of all time—the Lord Jesus Christ. Every year, thousands of men, woman, boys and girls come to faith in Christ as they hear the message of eternal salvation through our ministry projects.

As I think o fall the suffering people in Russia, I am reminded of our Lord’s words: “In as much as you did it to one of the least of these…you did it to Me.” (Matthew 25:40).

What better way to express our love for Him this Christmas than to feed the hungry, care for the sick, and minister to the poor?

Their joy is genuine and contagious and we love to show them the love of Jesus during this special time of year. Children in

need are always so surprised when their Russian Missions Christmas gifts arrive, and I know you will be blessed as you bless these kids.

Each year at Russian Missions we ask our sponsors and ministry friends to send in a special gift. Christmas presents for needy children, their siblings and to orphans in Russia.

Your donation for Christmas Hope Outreach will provide a hurting child with basic items such as food, vitamins, medical supplies, and clothing.  We will collect your support and send it overseas where our local missionaries will shop for the children and families under their care.

Orphans and children at-risk get so excited in their anticipation during the holidays. As a result, every child in the orphanage, whether they are in our program or not, must receive a gift! This goes as well for siblings and family members of our children who live at home.

I would like to ask you to pray about a Christmas gift so we can bless entire families who otherwise would not get a gift at all. We would like to see “no child without a gift.” Russian Missions gifts provided by your support are their primary Christmas gift for their children.

Thank you so much for a quick response to this special letter, I hope you will pray about, and consider sending 2 or 3 gifts.

The holiday season, although a time of joy for many, can be difficult for the needy in Russia. A child struggles with the loss of a parent, an older adult coping with age-related financial and physical adjustments or families struggling with illness or loss, the holiday season may be filled with sadness.They need your help. Russian Missions has many opportunities for you to brighten the season for others.

Help warm the hands, heads, and hearts of these young folk. Russian orphanages house children who have lived through heartbreaking experiences due to neglect, drugs and household dysfunction.These kids no longer believe in families or themselves. Help them to heal and find hope again. Your donation can help one child or an entire orphanage.


Sharing the joy of Jesus at Christmas,

Pastor Vitali Yuchkovski

Click Here to Help with the Christmas Hope Outreach





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