Russian Missions is an emerging mission uniquely adjusted to modern times. Today, fully 90% of pioneer missionary work among unreached peoples is being done by native missionaries who are nearby neighbors of those being reached with the gospel.

Rather than send Americans abroad in the traditional manner, Russian Missions sends financial, managerial and educational assistance to indigenous Russian missionaries as well as selected local Christian leaders.

• We seek out and evaluate native missionary operations

• Assure they love the Lord and believe in His Word

• That He is using them in effective ways

• That they are honest and accountable in handling finances

Then, we make their work known to churches and individual Christians in American to encourage assistance (such as: financial support, prayer support, volunteer services, etc.).
If traditional mission boards tried to do the volume of work maintained by Russian Missions, they would need over $60,000 per year or $5,000 per month for each missionary. With our financial backing, indigenous missionaries can do the same work typically between $200 and $300 per month, though many don’t get that much. Why?

• These missionaries are native citizens and their work can never be disrupted by the expiration or cancellation of visas. If wars or political instability develop, they stay on.

• Many already know the language of the target people group. Others are adept at learning a sister language.

• They already know the mores of the culture, having been brought up in it.

• The native missionary eats and drinks the local food, a practice that often wipes out the typical American missionary.

• The native missionaries essentially live at the same economic level as the people among who they minister to.
Russian Missions serves as a supply line and their communications link. We make known their work to believers in the United States, print and mail informative newsletters, maintain supporters, issue tax-deductible receipts for contributions sent in for their work, etc.

Each ministry is carefully reviewed to insure it measures up to the expectations of the donors and churches that provide financial and prayerful support. Our staff has traveled thousands of miles to visit and evaluate indigenous ministries in some of the most remote places in Russia.

Why Our Philosophy Works…

When a people have to abandon their valued ethnic identity and adopt an alien culture in order to become believers, the cause of church planting won’t go far. Therefore, Russian Missions has always done their worship service in the native language.
Our Missionaries enter the field with a heart that is hungry to serve the Lord. Requirements such as a building, property and salaried clergy can become millstones around the neck of the church and make church planting unlikely. Our Missionaries hold meetings in places where their congregation can feel comfortable (for example: sometimes small groups meet in apartments or local cultural halls).

[thrive_headline_focus title=”WHAT WE BELIEVE” orientation=”left”]

WE BELIEVE in the immutable Scriptures of both Old and New Testaments as inspired of God, and without error as originally written, supreme in all authority in all matters of Christian life, faith and practice.

WE BELIEVE in one God, eternally existing in a Trinity of equal Persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

WE BELIEVE that God the Son became incarnate in the person of Jesus Christ, who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, and whose death on the cross as a substitutionary sacrifice provided full expiation for sinners; that He rose again for our justification and who ascended into Heaven, and is now seated at the right hand of God the Father as our Advocate and High Priest.

WE BELIEVE in the person and the work of the Holy Spirit as One who convicts the world of sin, righteousness and judgment, and who regenerates, seals and sets apart the believer to a holy life.

WE BELIEVE that the true church, being formed by the work of the Holy Spirit, is composed of born-again believers who practice consecration of life unto God for service.

WE BELIEVE in the personal, bodily, premillennial return of our Lord Jesus Christ to consummate His kingdom upon the earth in which HE shall reign in righteousness and peace.

[thrive_headline_focus title=”THANK YOU” orientation=”left”]

By His grace we in Russian Missions are pleased and encouraged that you have viewed our website.

Please pray with us that we may be able to fulfill our vision:

  • To win Russian people to Christ
  • To build them up in Christ
  • To send them out for Christ into their neighborhoods, homes and the marketplace to spread the Word.

Christ’s call is clear.
Our needs are real. 
The time is now!

Please partner with Russian Missions and God’s powerful work. “Whoever is kind to the needy honors God.” Proverbs 14:31