As the weeks wind down toward the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, you will surely begin to think about all of the good things that God has provided for you.
It is this grateful response to God’s blessings that has the potential to change the futures of thousands of needy children this holiday season. During this season of thanksgiving, our gratitude for what we have seems to run especially deep here at Russian Missions.
Thanksgiving is so encouraging...and so understated. No jingles to sing, no gifts to buy, just a day to be thankful.

To look up and around and within and say, "Thank you, Lord." To this end, I stop here and express my sincere thanks for caring about Russia's needy.
Every day I prayerfully thank God for your loving support as mirrored through your prayers as well as financial assistance.The realization that He has chosen us to be channels of giving is sometimes humbling, sometimes heartrending.
Thank you for partnering with Russian Missions to tell people worldwide about the awesome God we serve and His good news of salvation through Jesus Christ.
"Pure and undefiled religion is to care for orphans and widows in their distress," (James 1:27).
Orphanage — the word brings up images of cold dark rooms crammed with undernourished, unwanted waifs.
Russia’s state-run orphanages do their best to provide a better life for their children than this. The kids have basic necessities like food, shelter and an education.
But none of this relieves their desperate loneliness. That’s why the love of our Lord is so important. These words from an orphan girl, Anaya, show just how much Jesus is welcomed — and needed — by these kids.
“I have been in the children’s home since I was 7. My father was in prison, so I do not know him. Mama drank so they took my sister and me to the children’s home. I feel that this help came from God, since He kept us off the streets. I even believe that when I finish schools and raise a fine Christian family, that I will not repeat the mistakes of my own parents. I am also convinced that the Lord will help me with this. I feel that He is always by me. He speaks to me and says what is good and what is bad. I pray for the children who still do not believe in God.”
So many like Anaya ache for the embrace of a loving parent. But as you can see in her letter, it’s her heavenly Father who has given her hope.
You can help give that same hope to other Russian boys and girls.
That thought is really driven home when kids turn 18 and have to leave the only "home" they've known. Without family or job skills, it's very hard to find work. Many resort to crime and prostitution. Some escape the pain by abusing drugs and alcohol.
Still others find no reason to live and resort to suicide.

Christmas is a very special time for these children. I believe that the Christmas season is the most important time for evangelism.
As working on our outreaches for this coming Christmas, we look forward to seeing the powerful impact of Christ’s love on display in the faces of those we serve.
Whether it’s a program at church or an outreach to an orphanage, seeds are planted that allow for follow-up throughout the rest of the year.
While you begin planning the holidays with your friends and family, remember those who may not share in your comforts. The support we receive from people like you will make an enormous difference in the lives of people in desperate need.
During the Christmas, we would like to bring gifts to every child at orphanages we serve. We provide necessary items like food, clothing and vitamins to show how important they are to their Father in Heaven.
You can make an eternal difference in young lives. Because I know you share the Lord’s tender heart for children, I am asking you to help ensure that orphan children like Anaya learn about their loving Savior.
As you celebrate Thanksgiving, I am deeply grateful to God that the lives of children in Russia are being forever changed as they hear, for the first time, of Jesus and His wondrous love for them.
Thank you for doing what you can.
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Pastor Vitali Yuchkovski your entire Russain Missions family.
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