Reaching Children with Hope this Summer

Thank you so much for your continued love, prayer and support which you show towards us and the people of post-Soviet Union. We are so very thankful that despite the situation and condition with the pandemic, we continue to reach the people.

What a privilege and honor to be the ones helping those who are lost and hurting during these circumstances. We appreciate you all so very much and thank God for you every day.

After months of lockdown, kids in Russian and Ukraine can’t wait to be together for our annual Summer of Hope camps.

As I write this, we are preparing for our Summer of Hope outreach.

This year our Summer of Hope camps will be different.
Due to the pandemic situation, we are planning to have our VBS neighborhood Bible style day camps that will involve local churches and greatly impact the lives of many boys and girls. For children who are sheltering in place or under quarantine, this unique strategy will have an unforgettable impact … and just as -great an impact in the lives of their parents and communities!

My Parents Never Needed Me or Noticed Me

Our missionary Valery Boychenko shared a story about Daniel. Daniel is twelve years old. “Out of the hundreds I have cared for during Summer of Hope Camps, he is one child I’ll never forget. I met kindhearted Daniel in our Summer of Hope camp; his paperwork indicated that he was a social orphan (orphaned child whose parents were alive). Here is his life story in his own words:
“My parents did not need me and did not even notice if I was there or not. They did not feed me and never brought me clothes. When I needed clothes, I searched other people’s trash and was glad when I found something my size and it fit me well. I was often so hungry that I went to the streets and begged for food. My parents always had friends over drinking, talking loudly and sometimes fighting each other when they got too drunk. To tell the truth, I was happy when they dropped me off at the orphanage. This past week at summer camp has been the best time in my life. I learned about God and that someone cares for me.”

Valery Boychenko with Daniel

What a great blessing it has been despite all the challenges we face today to continue reaching out orphans like Daniel with the message of Hope!

Russian Missions is not slowing down.

We are expecting hundreds of children that will come to our VBS neighborhood Bible day camps. As you know, Russia is quite cold country. The summer is short. So July and August are our warm and best months for the outreach.

We are reaching those children with the message of Hope. Russian Missions is all about touching hearts and changing lives…no matter the age. The spiritual hunger in people’s hearts is always there, and all long to hear of the hope that only Christ can give.

If there’s anything the events of the last few weeks have taught me, it is that we need to think missionally about the times we are living in. We cannot assume it’s “church business as usual”.

Looking ahead, we are not retreating in our commitment to do all we possibly can this summer to bring the Hope of Jesus to the people of post Soviet Union.

The methods will look different this summer – but we are full speed ahead in getting the Good News of Jesus to so many who are in need of Hope.

Will you help fight this “crisis of hope?” You are sending the Gospel to these broken but precious souls. We are so very thankful to all of you, our dear friends and partners who help us continue to make a difference in post-Soviet countries and beyond.

With thanks to God for you,

Pastor Vitali Yuchkovski

If the Lord speaks to your heart to help our ministry during this special time your support will be a great help for us.
