As fall returns and ever so quickly summer comes to an end, I cannot help but reflect on one of the most dynamic times of the year for our ministry, Safe Haven Summer Camps.

We take care in making sure that every camper sees that the Bible is alive, relevant and exciting! Our goal is to take advantage of every available opportunity to lead children and youth to the feet of Jesus.

Reports are still coming in, but our summer camp outreach exceeded its goal of helping to send at least 3,000 children and youths to a free camp experience. The camps took place in diverse locations—from Moscow to Siberia and the Russian Arctic.

This investment sees fruit in long-lasting changes in the children’s lives that can be seen right away—they attend church, meet with church staff weekly for follow-up, find Christian friends to replace their old crowd, and even love and respect their families more. Jesus meets these children at these camps and makes a difference in their lives.

At each summer camp we meet children who have been given into our care for a myriad of reasons. Each child, whether a true orphan or from a dysfunctional family, has a harrowing story to tell. I hope you will read the following stories and be inspired. Your support is the only reason we are able to share these stories—just a few out of the thousands.

The Best Week of My Life – 11 year old Zhenya from the town of Kamishlov
Zhenya grew up within a poor, violent household that she considers normal. My home is not far from your church but I have never been to a church. My parents let me go to summer camp because they didn’t have to pay for it. I loved being at camp. My Mom and Dad are always yelling and hitting me. At camp, nobody yelled or hit me. The food was great, and I got to play a lot of games. I learned about God and that He loves me. God doesn’t bless me because I am good. He blesses me because He is good. I feel sad that camp happens only in the summer. It was the best week of my life! I will have to wait a whole year before maybe the church people will invite me again.

More to do; More to be – 15 year old Katya
Nervous, timid and frightened are all words that used to describe me. Until a few summers ago my entire life was filled with anguish and pain. On the first day of summer camp I stayed on the fringe of groups, withdrawing when anyone spoke to me. I wanted to participate but was too frightened to do so. Over that first week, I learned to trust the team members, progressing from my self-imposed isolation to longing for story-time cuddles before bedtime. It seemed that each small act of love and kindness replaced the blackness of my past with God’s new beauty.
I invited Jesus into my heart at a summer camp a few years ago. Since then, I have been to several camps, first just as a child, and then as a staff member. Now camp ministry is an important part of my life. I firmly believe that a foundation for one’s faith must be laid early in childhood. I pray that each child may begin to learn about God’s creation, His goodness, His plan, and His salvation. It’s time for me to tell about what I have seen and experienced in my walk of faith. In Deuteronomy 4:9 it states, “Teach (God’s statutes) to your children and your grandchildren.” As a follower of Christ, I take this as one of my greatest responsibilities. I not only take care of them and teach them, I also continue to learn from them.

I’m Not Going to Give Up – Missionary Vladimir Zvyagintsev
Each child’s stay was a gift from an anonymous donor. I thank each person who helped. Looking back, what touched me the most was to see these children holding their pillows tight and crying at night. They’ve been wounded in such deep ways. Tears are part of their healing; and I know that God has reached out his arms and touch them so that they know that they are not alone. God loves broken things because then He alone can fix them.

My town of Kamishlov is located in Siberia, not very far from the cities of Tyumen and Ekaterinburg. Due to a large unemployment rate, the population of 29,000 is forced to live very modestly. With the dismal prospect of being unable to provide food or clothing for their family, many parents turn to vodka or drugs to ease their pain.
Missionary Vladimir Zvyagintsev is a native of Ukraine. He is committed to ministering to this town as well as nearby towns and villages. Two years ago, he found himself standing at life’s crossroads…caught somewhere between his own family’s welfare and God’s calling. He willingly sacrificed his own family. In order for them to experience a better life, he urged them to return to the Ukraine and live with his relatives. He has chosen to stay in Kamishlov. Why? He knows that there is no one else to do God’s ministry.

I can be bitter that I’m not with my own family, but I feel truly blessed as this ministry is a passion from God. I’m a messenger from God with His message to future generations. I pray a lot. It gets me through each day. I pray because there’s so much hurting within these children.

When you’re God’s messenger, you don’t give up on a kid. Everyone else has given up on these children. Each day I keep striving to be the person God wants me to be. One day I’ll get there. I’m going to keep trying. I’m not going to give up.
Prayer Request
Pray for the Christian workers who befriended many children throughout Russia during the successful summer camp ministries. Pray that these summer relationships will flourish this fall in children’s clubs, Sunday schools and local churches.
With religious freedom clearly on the “downswing” in many nations of the former Soviet Union, please pray that the Russian government doesn’t impose any more restrictions on our programs and that Russian Missions can continue to enjoy the freedom to help wherever possible.
In recent months, newscasts have been dominated by reports of skyrocketing costs of fuel, food, and other necessities—cost that have a direct impact on Russian Missions ministries. Please lift this urgent need before the Lord, asking Him to provide the resources needed despite worldwide trends.
Thank you
Thank you for your interest in and concern for Russian Missions. If there is ever anything we can do for you, I hope you’ll let us know. We consider this a ministry partnership—and that means we care deeply about you and your loved ones. May God bless you.
Pastor Vitali Yuchkovski
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