Faith, hope and love.

The ninth month of the year signals the winding down of summer and welcoming of cool fall breezes.  In this and other upcoming newsletters, you’ll read of the beautiful ways God has privileged us to bring His love to our Safe Haven Summer campers and with it, hope.


As you read this, our campers are back from their weeks at Safe Haven Summer Camps.  All the children have received the warm feeling of God’s love and acceptance.  We pray that now it is their turn to share it with their families and friends, school classmates as well as their local church.


Faith, hope and love: Our message to the children came from John 7:37-38.  Anyone who is thirsty may come to me!  Anyone who believes in me may come and drink!  For the Scripture declares, “Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.”  May our campers continue to feel the vast overflow of life through Jesus.  He wants the children to feel fully alive, not dreading each day and to be able to face difficult relationships with hope, courage and energy.  For Jesus will make them bold, not fearful.  I know that Our Lord is ready to refresh them with abundant grace every time they need it.


We believe that God has plans for us here at Russian Missions.  There is God’s work to be done, of course, because there is always need, in this world.  We remember that in all times of life, we love God and serve our neighbors in this world.  The wonderful thing about life in Christ is that we get to engage in amazing things we couldn’t do on our own.  Through our faith in Jesus, we get to see—and even take part in–things accomplished by His power, majesty and authority.


We can do so because of generous friends like you who bless us with love offerings in support of our ministry.  If you choose to make a donation today, we will be very grateful.


Your Brother in the Lord,

Pastor Vitali Yuchkovski

Stories of Hope

Spread the Joy of Christmas with Us!

Spread the Joy of Christmas with Us!

Sharing Hope on the Streets: Evangelism in Russia’s Challenging Times.

Sharing Hope on the Streets: Evangelism in Russia’s Challenging Times.

Bread and Hope: How Our Daily Bread Ministry is Making a Difference in Ukraine

Bread and Hope: How Our Daily Bread Ministry is Making a Difference in Ukraine

The Heartwarming Moments from our Summer of Hope outreach

The Heartwarming Moments from our Summer of Hope outreach