Leading Hurting Souls to Jesus
Hard-Hit Kids and Families Need Help​



We continue to pray for you and your family during this ongoing crisis. We remain so grateful for your faithful partnership as we know we are all being impacted by challenges caused by COVID-19. While this crisis impacts all of us, we want to share how ministry is moving forward and hope is being shared with those seeking true answers and encouragement.

We appreciate your prayers and support. Our entire Russian Missions family are safe, healthy, and working every day. Our hearts go out to those impacted by the virus. The economic toll on the poor of Eastern Europe is devastating and families are on the verge of hunger. They do not benefit from massive government stimulus or financial bailouts.

If the Lord speaks to your heart to help our ministry during this special time your support will help us:


Provide Bibles and Christian resources


Provide emergency food for families deliver more disaster and coronavirus relief—and see more thriving, smiling children and families than ever before.


Help elderly and shut-ins to receive deliveries of essential food, hygiene kits, medicine, and encouragement.


Provide emotional support hotlines to be available to those needing counseling and spiritual support.