Barriers and Blessings


Russian Missions is committed to spreading God’s Word throughout the lands of Russia.  God has blessed our efforts.  Everything Russian Missions does is raised through the prayers, generosity, fundraising efforts, and goodwill of generous churches and individual supporters.


Barriers:  Many of our missionaries and projects in Russia are facing uncertain times due to changes in legislation.  We want to get the word out and ask for your support through prayer.  With Russia’s new anti-missionary law, how much longer the door will be open for direct assistance to our churches is unknown.  Ministry can be very dangerous.  Periodically, our missionary pastors and other church workers discreetly visit regions in Russia opening themselves to being persecuted for spreading the word of God.  Pray for many hearts to be opened to the Gospel, and for the protection of our bold missionaries.  “…those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31


Let me take a moment to explain the new law:  In July, President Vladimir Putin signed a new law that cracks down on missionary work and evangelism.  Previously we have been perfectly free to give out literature, to talk to people on the street.  However, among other things, this new law will require any sharing of the Christian faith – even a casual conversation – to have prior authorization from the state.  This includes something as basic as an emailed invitation for a friend to attend church.  Even in a private home, worship and prayer will only be allowed if there are no unbelievers present.  Churches will also be held accountable for the activities of their members.


So if, for example, a church member mentions their faith in conversation with a work colleague, not only the church member but also the church itself could be punished, with individuals facing fines of up to 50,000 rubles (~ $782.00).  There are also restrictions on the extent to which churches can have contact with foreigners; for example, any non-Russian citizen attending a church service would be required to have a work visa or face a fine and expulsion from Russia.  It would seems that all religions except traditional Russian faiths are being slowly forced out of Russia.  The law plainly contradicts the Gospels.  It is the mission of every Christian to go and teach his or her beliefs to others.  In many ways, this is the essence of our belief.  This new law brings us back to that shameful past in Soviet history when many people of different faiths were persecuted for spreading the word of God.


Blessings:  I believe you will be greatly encouraged by the missionary report in this issue.  It is always wonderful to read the moving testimonies that come from our teams.  To see the prayer, Gospel-seed planting, love, labor, and care bearing fruit.


If you can make a love offering to help us continue our work, we will be very grateful.  When you support Russian Missions, you can feel good knowing you’re part of a positive movement that uplifts needy people—and in turn, uplifts the world.

Stories of Hope

Spread the Joy of Christmas with Us!

Spread the Joy of Christmas with Us!

Sharing Hope on the Streets: Evangelism in Russia’s Challenging Times.

Sharing Hope on the Streets: Evangelism in Russia’s Challenging Times.

Bread and Hope: How Our Daily Bread Ministry is Making a Difference in Ukraine

Bread and Hope: How Our Daily Bread Ministry is Making a Difference in Ukraine

The Heartwarming Moments from our Summer of Hope outreach

The Heartwarming Moments from our Summer of Hope outreach