A Demonstration of God’s Unconditional Love

With Thanksgiving nearly upon us, and — believe it or not! — Christmas not far behind, I’m sure that family gatherings and other holiday festivities will soon be making your days very busy. I want to thank you for supporting this ministry to the lands of the former Soviet Union.

I have truly appreciated the warmth of your concern, witnessed the results of your prayers and praised God for the impact of your generosity! Thank you again for all you do for Russian Missions. May you and those close to you experience God’s richest blessings this Thanksgiving and during the upcoming Christmas holidays.

As I write you about the need to help abandoned orphans, I recognize this is a challenging time for Christians in Russia and I also have a great anticipation of what our Lord wants to do in times like these.
I have always prayed that God, and God alone, would touch hearts regarding any need I share with our friends.

You know of our longstanding work in the former USSR, and as this letter arrives in your home, the Russian winter has already begun to set-in. There are abandoned orphans who need our help and I invite you to prayerfully consider if the Lord wants you to be involved at this time.

I know this first hand. This is because for 23 years I’ve been going into the orphanages and seeing the desperate situation many of the children face. I know that before them is a frigid winter with temperatures possibly dropping down to 40 degrees below zero, and … very likely they are running out of nutritious food. If they run out, malnutrition can set in with all of its grim consequences.

On top of this, the children may not have shoes that fit (they even may have to share shoes); their clothes could be in tatters: they likely have no adequate winter coat and other warm clothes. And worst of all, these abandoned orphans don’t know the love and salvation of Christ.

So I’m asking for your help this Christmas season to assist in changing all of that. As you read this, by faith we are making plans to help 1,000 to 2,000 orphans and other needy children throughout the former USSR who face a harsh winter, and likely the results I just mentioned.

We prayerfully hope to mobilize and bring food, vitamins, medicine, Christmas gifts and clothing for them, along with our Russian Missions national missionaries to deliver these vital supplies.

Your generous gift will personally touch the lives of these precious children and put a smile on their faces…

Thank you for being part of this tremendous effort. Russian Missions is dedicated to reaching these sad and lonely children with the gospel of Jesus Christ, but we need your help!

Please keep these children and the missionaries that minister to them in your prayers. It would also be wonderful if we could count on you for a financial donation to continue the work.
Thank you for putting a smile on the faces of these at-risk children.

God Bless! Happy Thanksgiving!

In His love and service, Your Brother in the Lord,

Pastor Vitali Yuchkovski

Give the gift of hope to an orphan today!   Simply click Here to Help!

Stories of Hope

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Sharing Hope on the Streets: Evangelism in Russia’s Challenging Times.

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Bread and Hope: How Our Daily Bread Ministry is Making a Difference in Ukraine

Bread and Hope: How Our Daily Bread Ministry is Making a Difference in Ukraine

The Heartwarming Moments from our Summer of Hope outreach

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